Monday, June 29, 2009

Just wanted to say a quick word here about how good God is, even in little things.
I had an on call shift at work today, and I woke up this morning feeling super sick. I have only been getting worse and worse all day, so I decided to pray (and ask a friend to pray) that either they wouldn't need me for the shift, or that I would be feeling better by the time my shift began. My prayer was answered! I called in to see if they needed me, and they said it is really slow so I can stay home! That was a real blessing as I now can take a nap and have been feeling still worse than before. My next prayer is to be well enough for my training shift tomorrow, but for now I'm going to enjoy the freedom to sleep and use that to heal me.
In His name alone..

Saturday, June 20, 2009

True Joy!

I just got back from a party at Emily Carbone's house, and I just thought I might reflect on it since I had such an amazing time. I have to say first off how absolutely amazing my friends are. And more so how amazing God is. I would have never imagined such an incredible time, but tonight was like probably the best time of my whole life so far! I think I had literally forgotten what true fellowship in Christ was like (I hadn't been part of a lot of gatherings lately), but now that I know again, I can't imagine anything being better!! I absolutely love when God just reveals things to you that maybe you even knew before, but He shows you again and it is like brand new in your mind, and you can enjoy it all over again like it was a first time! It is times like this that make me wonder why on earth I ever thought to seek joy in anything other than Christ. I pray that I can continue to find this joy in Him, and not let the things of earth steal me away again. Wow I'm just so overwhelmed right now, I don't know what else to say! I'll just finish saying how much all you guys mean to me, and how very grateful I am that God put me here in time so I can share such amazing times with all of you:D I feel very blessed to have so many amazing brothers and sisters in Christ!

In His Name, to continue the pursuit of true Joy!