Wednesday, October 21, 2009


As I am typical to do, I have been having somewhat random thoughts lately. My mind wandered to the topic of telekinesis, or the ability to move objects with your mind. It is a fascinating concept. I have one basic puzzlement however on the subject. I have done much research, and gotten almost an exact number of opinions which say that TK (technical abbreviation:P) is or is not a form of witchcraft. A common opinion is that it isn't, and rather it's just taking advantage of an ability our brains have, but is not known much about. The theory in this case is where the law of gravity has a "magnetic" type of attraction to everything on the planet, TK allows our brains to send signals which disrupt gravity, and allow us to physically change that force in our favor, and to our desire.
However, other people say it is witchcraft. They say it has some relation to Wiccan type magic, or the occult, and that it is of Satan. I am gathering that they say this either because they believe it requires some form of magic for TK to work, but also possibly because it requires an intense "meditation" to learn and effectively use TK.
One verse FROM THE BIBLE I saw quoted once, in favor of TK (as risky as it may seem to point this out): Matthew 17:20, "He said to them, 'Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you." I realize this is rather a stretch from the intended purpose of this verse, but it begs the question, "Does this mean we can physically move objects, even as big as mountains, by speaking it?" Yes, I know, TK is thinking for things to move, not speaking. But what's the difference really? Thinking in that sense could be speaking with your mind.
I'm just curious for more opinions on this subject. Is telekinesis a form of Satanic magic, or is it a God given ability our brains have, and few people know about. That is...if it even exists, which has yet to be documented with solid proof...

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