Anyways I was just sitting around and thought I'd write something, even if it has no meaning or purpose. That's pretty much what I'm doing right now.
Ok I take that back. I just thought of something interesting that I was discussing the other day. Yes I know, this is going to seem rather random as well...:P But anyways, my mom often asks me what I'm thinking about, typically if I seem to be daydreaming or something, and at that point I am forced to say "nothing", because it is fully true. However, she had a very hard time grasping this concept of thinking about nothing, which I find very easy to understand. Finally, David Paulson rescued me by explaining to her that guys somehow can just think about nothing, while that isn't something at least most girls (if any) are able to do. I'm not sure how that works, but it seems interesting just the same. I think it would be fun to do a large survey to see if there are any girls who ever think about nothing.
I must say, personally it is very relaxing to be able to have nothing on my mind at times:)
I think about nothing quite frequently actually. My mom always thinks it's weird too and I've tried to explain to her, but she just doesn't get it. And I thought I was the only one who ever did that.....
ReplyDeletei do that too but of course i'm a guy. =P in fact, i remember talking to ppl at bbc about this. can't remember if i or someone else brought it up. anyhow, i can sympathize w/ this but i don't think any females in my fam understand the concept. =D
ReplyDeleteThis doesn't make sense. How do you think about nothing without being dead? I keep thinking even when I'm asleep.
ReplyDeleteyou must just be a typical girl Ruth. :) It just happens. You're sitting there and there's absolutely nothing in your mind. Or you were thinking about something and then it's gone and you don't realize that you're not thinking about anything until someone asks you what you're thinking about and you don't know what to say because there's absolutely nothing there.
ReplyDeletekevin - i think it's time for another update. =D plus also i agree with court (though you must be pretty unusual ;)). it's easy to let that happen, particularly if you're a guy (and, apparently, if you're courtney =D). i do wish more guys could become good multi-taskers and random-conversation-followers, though i've gotten pretty good at that myself. =D
ReplyDeleteWow I'm surprised this brought so much conversation:D Personally, Joe, I can multi-task plenty:P not to mention I can follow random conversations quite well also. Are you basically saying that guys can think about nothing better than girls, while girls can multi-task and be random better than guys?? Sounds like a reasonable suggestion;)
ReplyDeleteyou're in a fam w/ plenty of females too so that makes sense. and yes, my theory is just as you say. i figure if we could combine personalities that'd be amazing. then we could clear our brains while thinking about nothing PLUS be super good multi-taskers and random-conversation followers. or just get lots of girls in your family and practice following those conversations. =D
ReplyDeleteThere's just one problem with your theories. Boys CAN'T multitask as much/as good as girls can. It's just a fact of life. I was trying to talk to my dad while he was brushing my teeth. I told him this whole long story and then at the end, he put down his toothbrush and was like, "What was that again?" Ahhh!!! So annyoing!!!!!!!! :)
ReplyDeletethat's definitely a fallacy. not sure which one, but it is. =D you can't say that just b/c one male is bad at multi-tasking, that means the rest are too. but i maintain that you're mostly correct anyhow. but THAT'S why i said it'd be perfect if we could combine personalities and THAT'S why there aren't any problems w/ my theory.
ReplyDeletewhy was your dad brushing your teeth? (reread your comment). lol!
oops, I meant brushing HIS teeth.
ReplyDeleteAnd in my opinon of all the guys I know, most of them can't multi-task. Therefore, your wish is true, but it's just a wish. Guys CANNOT multi-task as good as girls, even the ones that can multi-task. End of discussion.