Saturday, May 9, 2009

Why the name?

It might seem a strange name to some, Biohazard 4 Christ, but after thinking it through I think this has a very clear meaning in my mind.  Allow me to expand on this, so you can understand too.  
The typical known meaning of "biohazard" is "harmful agent: a risk to human beings or their environment, especially one presented by a toxic or infectious agent", according to the Encarta Dictionary here on my wonderful computer.  I want my blog to accomplish several things.  
I want primarily for it to be hazardous to Satan, and his deception to other peoples' view on God, life, or anything else.  In other words, I want it to be "intoxicating" or "infectious" with Christ's love and truths.  
I want it to be "infectious" with humor, or comfort, or anything one might happen to need any given day.  I hope to write a variety of honest posts that may be used by God to assist someone having a bad day, or who is hurting, or whatever they need.
Finally I just want it to be a place where I can voice my opinion on whatever comes to mind, and maybe have someone respond on occasion.  
Thus said, feel free to comment on whatever I write, and likewise don't feel any obligation to.  
In closing, let's spread the saving news of Christ better than any known pandemic flu known to man!  We must stay infectious with His love, His truth, and His Word!  In His Name alone...

1 comment:

  1. awesome. =) i am excited! keep looking to Jesus as you blog for His glory!
